Thursday, December 3, 2009

There are signs of life

This evening I graded about eight of the 10 projects I received from the class of 26 sophomore lit students. What I'm seeing is good stuff, but I wish I had more of the same from the other 16 students who decided not to turn anything in on Wednesday. I'm popping in at City High tomorrow to pass out my little note cards to the 3rd period Am. Lit. class, and I will probably pick up whatever other projects were turned in after the Wednesday due date. Then, I am just a memory for these kids—a ghost putting in final grades on the novel unit!

I went to the end of the term student teacher wrap-up meeting today. It was boooorrrring, except for a teacher that came in to speak to us, Randy Crump. He's a science teacher at Allatoona High—just right down the street from me—and was very dynamic. I am glad I got to hear him speak. He was a straight-shooter, and I always appreciate that in people. He was positive but realistic, which is what I think you have to be as a teacher.

I am working hard to synthesize all of my teaching philosophies, but I am starting to realize that I won't really figure out anything until I'm actually teaching my own classes. There are just some things I won't know how to handle until I've actually been through it.

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